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Current Environment

Cybersecurity is very critical aspect of modern business. Today no business can compete without a significant online presence. Major functions like supply chain management, HR, Finance, CRM depend on information technology. Unlike earlier days, most of the business information is in cloud infrastructure so the concept of perimeter security has fundamentally changed. It has become imperative to secure business information at every stage, every possible touchpoint.

Cybersecurity is a business risk — not simply an IT risk as it has been historically viewed.

Organizations should proactively assess their cybersecurity maturity, identify weak points, and develop strategies to manage their risk. Only those businesses who stay ahead of the bad guys can survive and thrive in the long run. This sounds daunting, isn’t it?

The question business leaders need to address is – is it productive to invest my team’s energy into functions outside our core business OR does it make better sense to take help from subject matter experts in such areas so that we are free to focus on our key business processes without stress?

This is where Platoon can help you big time!

Our team of cybersecurity professionals is available to discuss your organizational challenges and projects.

Impact of Covid-19

World is passing through a turmoil which was never seen in a history. COVID-19 19 has changed our way of thinking way of working and future aspects. Today it is not only important to grow but also to save our future generation. This change has enforced us to think about our working processes, and security aspects.

Cybercrime is an increasing concern due to adoption of remote working environment.

More and more services and businesses are turning to Digital, resulting in increase in transactions from new devices and platforms, effectively broadening the attack vectors.
Sophisticated attacks seen on banking, financial services and e-com in increasing frequenctly Phishing attacks, social engineering, online scams are adopting new techniques, making constant vigilance and user awareness very critical part of doing business.